Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Pneu-Ideas #1...

We've met as a group, and we've fired of a few questions to those of you at RPI. The structure itself is interesting in that it seems to move as it breathes. We want to use this movement as the basis for our installation. By looking at this as a "dance" or as a stage for movement, there are multiple ways that we can integrate our electronics/machines to create rhythm, sound/music, even mechanical dance. We can pinpont ways in which the building can not only instigate reactions, but be fully integrated in that is responds to the stimuli that we are discussing.

Specifically elmo:
We are going to rewire some of the sensors to respond to the movements of the building has it expands, contracts. I've picked up a series of microswitches that can replace the existing sensors, which are too specific to the casing and difficult to work with. We're hoping to maintain elmo has a "body" - using the motor and the existing mechanical connections to respond to the building's shape. It's likely that in order to take advantage to the full range of elmo's responses, the gravity sensor will need to be moved and attached to the inflating/deflating wall.
The building moves, creating sound and triggering certain sensors. Depending on the particular sensors triggered, elmo reacts, dancing in the space. As our other group ideas trigger the inflation and deflation OR produce sound, the building acts as a mediator between the electronics.
As for elmo's vocal reactions, we've discussed altering them to create a more abstracted sound, to correlate with Dana's tapeheads, Kyle's theramin, and possibly Carl's accordion.


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